Are you ready to significantly impact your TpT business this year? Maybe you’ve had a recent decrease in sales and are ready to take your teacher-author business to the next level. Maybe you need tips and tricks on making the most significant impact given the time you have to devote to your store. Look no further! I’ve put together ten actionable tips to help you increase your success and maximize your impact in 2023. From improving products to creating new ones, these steps will help you stay ahead of the game and reach your goals. Get ready to take your TpT business to the next level with these 10 Ways to Improve Your TpT Business in 2023!
New Video Course to Explain All the Steps
To help explain everything, I have created a new video course to explain the ten things I’m doing this year to grow my TpT business. With 11 easy-to-follow videos and three supporting documents available for immediate download, you can improve your TpT business in no time. The videos cover over an hour of training with topics broken down into small segments. Closed captioning is included in all videos.
10 Ways to Improve Your TpT Business in 2023
I’ve broken the process down into ten different steps. Maybe you’re interested in learning about some or all of them. The videos explain everything in easy-to-follow steps, and you can download the files for easy access throughout the year.
Step 1 – Focus on What You Can Control
With so many changes in TpT and schools, not to mention all the changes with social media, it’s important to stay focused on the things you can control. In this section of the course, I’ll explain what we can and cannot control in our business. Changing your mindset to let go of things you can’t control while focusing on things you can have a significant impact on your mental health and your business success going forward.
Step 2 – Updating Products
I’m embarrassed to say that there are some products that haven’t been updated since they were published in 2015. Updating products is something I’m going to focus on this year. In this section of the course, I’ll go through all the steps I’m taking to update existing products in my TpT store. I’ll also talk about ways that you can add value to your existing products while you’re updating them.
Step 3 – Updating Your TpT Product Listings
In this part of the course, I’ll cover updating your TpT product listing. This includes the cover, thumbnail images, snippet, preview, video preview, and product description.
Step 4 – Tracking Your Updates
As you update your products and product listings, keeping track of what you’ve updated and when you updated something is essential. For example, if you change the cover and see a significant decrease in sales, you’ll need to go back and tweak the cover until you see a positive increase in sales.
I’ve included a Product Update tracker in the course to help you organize all the changes you’re making to your products and listings. I will also show you a helpful tool to easily see what products have been updated and which ones still need a little TLC.
Step 5 – Thoughtfully Add New Products
When I started selling on TpT, I focused a lot of energy on creating products. Some are my best sellers, and some don’t sell very well. In later years, I learned that quality is more important than quantity, and my newer resources reflect that. In this section, I go through some tips and tricks on thoughtfully adding new products.
Are you curious about steps 6-10? Check out the course in my TpT store to learn all the steps.
Here’s what one teacher seller said about the course: “Very helpful information in the videos, also appreciate the PDF of the slides for easy reference and the Helpful Links for Improving Your TpT Business! The Product Update Tracker will be a useful tool as well! Thank you!”
You might also be interested in this blog post on Creating Boom Cards to Sell on TpT and Boom Learning.
I hope this was helpful! I wish you all the best in your TpT business for 2023!
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