Teaching fractions is such a challenge. It’s really difficult when students struggle with basic math facts like multiplication and division. Teaching how to convert fractions to decimals can be especially tricky to teach.
The easiest way that I have taught this concept is by showing students how to divide the numerator by the denominator. For example, 3/4 as a fraction would be 3 divided by 4. When you express that long division answer as a decimal, it would be 0.75.
Practicing How to Convert Fractions to Decimals with Differentiated Worksheets
Differentiated worksheets are a great way to practice converting fractions to decimals. Students can start with easier questions and then move to more challenging questions as they gain confidence. These worksheets are also helpful for two reasons. First, it has a helpful gray box at the top of the page explaining how to convert fractions to decimals. It even includes an example problem for students. Second, these worksheets are helpful because they have lots of room for students to show their work. The answer keys are super helpful too.
Here’s what one teacher said about these worksheets: “As I was teaching converting fractions into decimals using other strategies like knowing money fractions and knowing the factors of 100, it was clear my students had LARGE gaps in their decimal understanding. Many of my 5th graders don’t know how much coins are worth, let alone how to make a fraction into a division problem. This scaffolded resource was PERFECT for the the low kids, as well as the kids who are fluent with their conversions, but don’t understand why. Showing the math with division is key! Thank you! Please Please Please create more resources like this for other math topics! – A Virginia teacher :)”
For more information about teaching how to convert fractions to decimals, check out this helpful YouTube video:
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